Sofia Business forums in October
GDG DevFest October 5, National Palace of Culture
GDG DevFests are community-led developer events hosted by GDG around the world, focused on community building and learning about Google technologies.
Employer Branding October 10, WTC Interpred
The Bulgarian edition of the popular conference shows the best practices applied and managed to achieve results on the labour market in Bulgaria.
Sofia Motor Show 2019, October 12-20, IEC Sofia
The biggest automotive event in Bulgaria with the leading brands, the latest models and demonstrations of new technologies in mobility.
The Next Big Thing, October 17, National Palace of Culture
The forum is about the business challenges of the technology revolution, the need of sustainable growth having in mind the climate changes and the ageing population in the western world.
Leading HR Transformation October 18, Inter Expo Centre
The conference is about the change in process management, flexibility, adaptability and determination to introduce new and innovative methods in the organisations.
DevReach 2019, October 20-24, Sofia Event Centre
The premier developer conference in Central and Eastern Europe.
Intelligent IT. The Bridge to Artificial Intelligence, October 23, Sofia Tech park
Annual visionary conference about the future of Artificial Intelligence, IoT and Big Data simplifying businesses and our everyday life.
HR and Leadership Forum, October31, Sofia Event Centre
Forum focussed on the skills of the future workforce in the context of the changing business environment and increasingly digital economy.
Hotel Downtown Sofia
If the forums topics correspond to your business goals, please check for details the respective events’ websites. Hotel Downtown would be glad to welcome you with style in case you need hotel accommodation in the heart of the city. We offer prime location and additional online booking benefits.