Sofia Business forums in September

Karieren Kosher, September 4, IEC Sofia

Progressive businesses meet top talents with international education and experience to exchange ideas and find work in Bulgaria.

Career Show 2019, September 10, Sports Hall Arena Armeec Sofia

Career exhibition for professionals and top talents

IOT Bulgaria Summit, September 14, Sofia Tech Park

One day event focused only on Internet of Things hosted at the Microsoft Innovation Center.

SECURIT: InfoSec & Data Storage, 19 септември, София Тех Парк

How to effectively ensure business and administration data storage is among the topics of the upcoming SecurIT.

Hotel Downtown Sofia

would be glad to welcome you with style in the heart of the city

If the forums topics correspond to your business goals, please check for details the respective events’ websites. Hotel Downtown would be glad to welcome you with style in case you need hotel accommodation in the heart of the city. We offer prime location and additional online booking benefits.